South Asian Center of Windsor


Our Centre

The South Asian Centre of Windsor is a registered charity organization established in 1986 to promote, preserve and enhance the cultural values and identity of South Asians living in the region while at the same time integrate into the Canadian way of life.


Our Mission
The South Asian Centre of Windsor exists to provide, information, support and referral services to members of the South Asian Community and to foster harmonious co-existence with all segments of Canadian society.

What We Do
A. Support individuals and families of South Asian descent as they adapt and integrate in Canada.
B. Showcase the rich cultural heritage of South Asia by organizing events in the community and supporting the Centre’s initiatives.
C. Conduct community outreach, research on emerging needs and develop South Asian resources that will be helpful to all.
D. Be a bridge with the broader community through information and education initiatives.
E. Advocate and empower communities to break barriers and build a caring community in Windsor.